Äripäev Real Estate Conference 2016 is a meeting place for potential clients, investors, contractors, developers and brokers. Each presentation must have a practical value for the listeners. We make the conference just like we also make Estonia’s nr1 business paper: by choosing subjects that are timely, burning, controversial and concern everyone whose business is in real estate.
We invite you to participate in the leading conference on Estonian real estate market, which will give you an insight into the trends, new developments, state-run projects and practical references on timely matters concerning the property market.
The conference will have full translation into English.
Discount rates
(EUR 50 off regular rates) are currently available.
Register HERE!
Session I: Estonian real estate market in the context of Nordic, Baltic and European markets
9.30 Comparative analysis of commercial property, signs to watch in 2016, Partner and Sworn Auditor at Deloitte Estonia
Veiko Hintsov
Based on surveys and market analysis, we will shed light on the big picture and significant trends of Nordic, Baltic and European markets, compared to Estonia’s commercial property market. Where are the investors heading? Which markets are the most attractive? What do international analyses speak of the possibilities in Estonia’s real estate market?
10.00 Comparative analysis of residential property and forecast for 2016, Analyst at real estate bureau Uus Maa Kinnisvarabüroo
Igor Habal
It is generally recognised that residential property is the indicator that also predicts changes in the commercial real estate market. The price hikes of Estonian residential property have been among the highest in the entire Europe. What happens next? The market analysis presented by Igor Habal at the recent Äripäev Administrative Management Conference stood out and received accolades from the audience. This time, Igor Habal will speak of Estonia’s real estate market in the context of neighbouring markets and European trends.
10.30 Äripäev survey: who owns land in Estonia?
The survey, conducted exclusively for Äripäev Real Estate Conference, examines the background of the owners of properties suitable for both agricultural production and real estate development.
10.45-11.15 Networking: participants are warmly invited to make business appointments with developers, financers, construction companies, sellers and buyers of real estate.
Session II: Trendsetting development projects
11.15 Where will the heart of the city be?
Will Porto Franco and the Rotermann quarter be the calling card of future Tallinn? Or, will Ülemiste City assume the title instead? As of now, the first of the two projects is yet only existing on paper, but has already acquired a special significance, being both admired and disliked. The Rotermann quarter has gone through rises and falls in the past 10 years – having now become one of the most cherished residential environments in Tallinn, it has also faced empty retail spaces nit so long ago. All the while, Ülemiste City has been developing in a robust manner and become a true center of business and innovation., CEO of the Rotermann quarter; Andrus Kaldalu, Supervisory Board Member of Mainor Ülemiste; and Endrik Mänd, Chief Architect of Tallinn.
The topic will be addressed by Martin Ühtegi
11.45 What is the price of emotions? Head of Marketing at Endover Kinnisvara
Kristel Laud,
Endover Kinnisvara is known in residential property market for its unique development projects, such as City Residence on Tartu road, 47B Lofts in Uus-Kalamaja, the historic Villa Soans in Kadriorg, and Alfredi Maja in Kassisaba. Developments like these write their own history in the market. How can one achieve this status? How much do emotions influence purchase decisions and price?
12.15 What is the price of saving energy?, chairperson of energy-efficient developments
Kristjan-Thor Vähi
Does an energy-efficient house really pay off? We will take the standpoint of investor-buyer-developer to see how investments in energy efficiency influence the sale of the project: price increase vs client’s willingness to pay. How has the market received low-energy houses? Passive house is a wonderful thing, but will it also be economically beneficial? Can we reasonably speak of active houses in Estonia?
12.45-13.45 Lunch
Session III: Trends that create development projects
13.45 Rail Baltic: which regions expect to see property prices increase or decrease?, Head Specialist of Planning at Rail Baltic
Andres Lindemann
As a ministry representative, Andres Lindemann coordinates Rail Baltic’s planning operations and in reality most everything concerning the project. A look from the real estate aspect on one of the most significant projects under development in Estonia.
, Head of Department of Economic Development, Ministry of Economic Affaris and Communication
14.00 Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel: what are the chances that it will actually happen?
Kaupo Reede
"If we build Rail Baltic and leave it unconnected to Helsinki, we will only be half-way there,“ Kaupo Reede has said. A survey published earlier this year set the Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel’s price tag at EUR 9-13bn, and yet, this utopian-sounding idea is beginning to take shape.
14.15 State and property
Äripäev asked the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the governmental asset manager Riigi Kinnisvara AS three questions:What is the public procurement demand in 2016?What are the plans with social housing projects?What is the solution for refugee residences?
14.45-15.15 Networking: participants are warmly invited to make business appointments with developers, financers, construction companies, sellers and buyers of real estate.
Session IV: Attention!
15.15 New money in real estate market: crowd funding projects, CEO of Crowdestate
Loit Linnupõld
A look into the back yard of crowd funding. Crowd funding projects kept amazing the public last year: available projects were bought in minutes, the yield of the investments stands at 48%, small investors take real estate deveopments by storm. What is the background of this success story? How many development projects are actually discarded? Do skeptics have a point? How can one choose intelligently?
15.45 FILM: visit from a taxman
What happens if one fine morning, a tax official knocks on the door of an apartment owned by a private company?
16.00 The frauds in real estate market that you should know about, attorney-at-law of LEXTAL bureau
Urmas Ustav
We will outline three cases that lawyers have processed.
16.20 Äripäev survey: what can financial reports of real estate developers and brokers tell us?
For the first time, the Real Estate Conference is proud to present analysis and forecast based on the financial reports of both developers and brokers. What are the most significant findings? Does Estonia’s real estate market stand on firm legs?
16.50 Closing remarks
Register HERE or sign up at
[email protected] or call the registry at + 372 667 0411
Discount rate of EUR 249 (298.80 with VAT) available until 31 January, regular rate EUR 299 (358.80 with VAT).
Information: Programme Manager Aira Tammemäe,
[email protected] Seotud lood
Tänapäeva ärikinnisvara maailmas otsivad ettevõtted enamat kui lihtsalt büroopinda. Suurimad edulood sünnivad seal, kus töökeskkond toetab kasvu, innovatsiooni ja koostööd. Teadus- ja ärilinnak Tehnopol on selle lähenemise ehe näide – siin saavad ettevõtted keskenduda maailma muutvale innovatsioonile.